Sri Ramakrishna was born in India in the 19th century. He came to harmonize all religions, and taught universal tolerance and respect for all of the different pathways to the one great God. He proved that through intense love and devotion to God, one can surely realize Him. Each person is travelling upon a sacred journey back to the Godself. We acknowledge and honor this sacred journey. May you find these true life-stories in this website, which speak of the power of God’s love to transform our lives, uplifting and encouraging.
Divine Mother exemplified God’s Love, and demonstrated through her every action the magnificence of God in the seeming ordinariness of daily life. She was a housewife, and raised five children. She was simple, unassuming, and only had an eighth grade education. However, doctors, lawyers, professors, the highly educated and uneducated alike, all sat at her feet, transfixed by her powerful, spontaneous expositions on God, and the inherent Divinity within each one of us.
Divine Mother said that our true purpose in life is to realize God, and by accepting Sri Ramakrishna, we accept the Total, and not just the part. She said that there is no religion in Spirit, and that we are all children of God, immortal, eternal, and already in His Light. She took us out of our deep slumber, awakened our spiritual consciousness and transmitted into our hearts the Eternal Truth that the Lord, our God, is One. People from all different religious persuasions have come to know more about Divine Mother, and have been heartened by the love and acceptance they find here.
Shortly before she left her body on May 22, 1992, Divine Mother gave me her power of attorney, and asked me to carry Sri Ramakrishna’s Light to the world for her. I now travel extensively, freely sharing with others this beautiful, wondrous Light. God bless you!
Latest updates

Divine Mother offered a presentation on “Unity Consciousness: Coherence of Conscience” at an event hosted by the Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations, honoring the 2024 “International Day of Conscience.”

Divine Mother offered her reflections and blessings on the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima at the 2nd Annual Nuclear Prayer Day at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopalian Church on August 6, 2023.

Divine Mother and Jon Ramer, Co-Founder of SINE Network and Founder of Compassion Games International