Excerpt from the book 100 Words, 200 Visionaries by William Murtha

Excerpt from the book 100 Words, 200 Visionaries by William Murtha

100 Words from Divine Mother Audrey

Excerpt from the book 100 Words, 200 Visionaries by William Murtha

Audrey E. Kitagawa

See the sunrise, and be filled with awe and gratitude to the Creator who paints us a new sky canvas every morning. During the day, take note of those who smile, hold open doors, and give up their seats on crowded buses. Commit to sharing with others similar acts of generosity of spirit and respect, and be that generative center of change that you want to see in the world. At sunset, be filled with wonder and peace at yet another sky canvas that whispers the coming of the evening, though filled with darkness, will be punctuated by the light of the moon and the brilliant stars that unveil a map that guides us into the unknown, waiting to be discovered.