October 1997 Newsletter
(Volume 1, Number 1)
Divine Mother Audrey Closes Her Law Practice
After twenty years of maintaining a highly successful law practice, Divine Mother Audrey concluded her career on November 30, 1996. She now devotes herself completely to serving God. From the time that Divine Mother left her body on May 22, 1992, to the closing of her practice, Divine Mother Audrey lived an impossible life taking care of the spiritual family as well as her clients. Divine Mother Audrey left her practice without fanfare, and the spiritual family knew of her decision when she asked a few members to help her vacate her office.
Video Premiere

On February 9, 1997, the Spiritual Family gathered for the Premiere showing of the video, “Sri Ramakrishna: Embracing The Divine.” Divine Mother Audrey taped this video to introduce people to this path. Dr. Elizabeth Kunimoto, Chairperson of the Department of Communications, produced the video at the University of Hawaii. The video was shown at the university’s art auditorium, which was packed to its 350-seat capacity. Spiritual family members from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Maui, Kauai, and Kona joined us. Jon Anderson sang three of his beautiful songs.
The Internet & Lectures
Through the sponsorship of the National Endowment of the Humanities, Divine Mother Audrey was discussion leader for the month of January on Pluralism and Spirituality In America. Divine Mother Audrey was invited to continue with her participation for the month of February. The topic for that month was Pluralism and Self Identity.
Divine Mother Audrey gave four lectures at the University of Hawaii, two lectures at West Florida University, and one lecture to the Philippine Medical Association at Honolulu Hale, (Honolulu’s City Hall). The presentations at Honolulu Hale and the University of Hawaii on September 18, 1997, are available on videotape.
The Internet and university presentations were made possible through the invitation of Dr. Elizabeth Kunimoto. The Honolulu Hale presentation was made possible through the invitation of Drs. Jose and Gloria Madamba.
Coast to Coast Travel
On May 13, 1997, Divine Mother Audrey departed from Honolulu to meet with spiritual family members coast to coast. She held meditations and Intensives in Los Angeles, Long Valley, New Jersey; Gainesville, Florida; and in San Francisco.
Prior to her departure, and upon her return, Divine Mother Audrey held Intensives for the Honolulu spiritual family.
Annual August Celebration
In keeping with a tradition established by Divine Mother, the spiritual family holds an annual celebration in August on the Saturday closest to the 15th day of that month, in remembrance of the day that Sri Ramakrishna left his body. The celebration has grown larger every year as members of the spiritual family from all over the world gather together to “homogenize” with each other, as Divine Mother asked us to do shortly before she died. Special meditations and Intensives were held for a ten-day period before and after the celebration. “Welcome” and “aloha” picnics were also held to give everyone a greater opportunity to share and get to know their spiritual brothers and sisters from around the world.
Roberta Christianson’s Testimonial
Finding Courage
For most of my fifty years of living, I have never really been happy. Since my childhood days in Hawaii I was a prisoner to my fear, panic, and despair about life. I felt isolated and lonely and could never escape the pain of a dysfunctional childhood in which an abusive father aroused continual fear in my mother, brother, and myself. I cannot remember many moments of safety in my childhood. (Read More)