December 1998 Newsletter
(Volume 2, Number 1)

Divine Mother Audrey’s Message
Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years arrive closely together with flurries of activities and festivities that signify the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year. While we may be hurriedly dashing about roasting the turkey, trimming the Christmas tree, or planning the New Year’s Eve party, the spiritual family will have much to celebrate in quiet, inner reflection. We thank God and express our appreciation for all of the incredible changes in our lives which have brought us deeper love, compassion and understanding of ourselves and of others. As we celebrate the holidays, may we be in remembrance of our brothers and sisters throughout the world who suffer from hunger, lack of shelter and basic necessities, and who are lonely, and in need of love. Let us remember them in our hearts, prayers and meditations, and let us share whenever and wherever we can. We praise God in this newsletter by sharing beautiful real life stories which speak of transformation through the power of God’s Love. May these testimonials give those who read them hope, encouragement and faith that all things are possible with God. No matter what painful or harrowing experience you may be going through, know that you are not alone, and that God loves you. May God bless you and your loved ones with infinite joy and peace during this holiday season, and always.
Val Valentine’s Testimonial
A New Beginning
I first met Divine Mother in October 1990 when I was forty-six years of age. Peter, my husband, had met her when he was in Honolulu in May 1990. Upon returning home to Australia, he told me of her. His behavior was so changed from his previous ways, that I wanted to meet her and thank her for all she had done for him and hence me and our family. (Read More)
Gary Barlough’s Testimonial
Finding My Voice
During my childhood I remember having very loving parents, and very creative desires and inspirations. My brother and I could and would make just about anything we could think of to make. As I grew older I remember that this closeness to something inside slowly grew farther and farther away. (Read More)
Leni Davis’ Testimonial
Overcoming Fear & Anger
Praising God is the only way I can give thanks for the miracles in my life. It is such a joyful occasion to be given the opportunity to show my deep gratitude for what Divine Mother has done for me.
When I met Divine Mother ten years ago, I was the fearful product of an abusive childhood. I thought I was shy. I did not know that I was terrified of being found out. I was hiding my feelings of deep inadequacy, inferiority, low self-esteem and a sense of never being good enough. (Read More)
Ted Kanamori’s Testimonial
Healing my Vietnam War Experience
I know that everyone who sat in front of Divine Mother, experienced the pure unconditional Love that only God can give. I also am very fortunate to have experienced her Love personally. Never ever could I have imagined anyone could love me so much, because I was always searching for that love my whole life. (Read More)